Sunday, February 9, 2014

Babyhead's 6th Birthday...and The Pigout

Babyhead's 6th birthday was one of the simplest, but happiest ones yet.  All she wanted was to have a sleepover with her best friend, Page.  A fabulous discovery that I made while throwing together a small pre-sleepover celebration was the Swedish Princess Cake from Schubert's Bakery.  This thing, a white cake filled with raspberry and custard filling and covered in marzipan, is amazing and Babyhead has declared that she wants this cake for every birthday from here on out.  The next day she and I had a "birthday cake pigout" on the dining room table.  You don't need to know the details regarding how much cake was consumed between the two of us, but that pigout will live in our memories forever and was the start of a new tradition in our house.

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